Making suggestion, Accepting and Refusing
الهدف من هذا الدرس هو كيف تقوم بإقتراح شيئ أو فكرة على شخص ما, وينقسم الدرس لثلاتة محاور أساسية وهي كالتالي :
تقديم إقتراح Making suggestion
قبول الإقتراح Accepting suggestion
رفض الإقتراح Refusing suggestion
Making suggestion
Shall we....?
Why don’t we..........?
I suggest...( verb + ing )
What about.....( verb + ing ).
How about.... ( verb + ing ).
لم لا....؟
ماذا عن.....؟
ماذا عن.....؟
Accepting suggestion
That sounds amazing.
Let’s do that.
Yes, wyh not.
That’s a good idea
What a great idea
Yes, I would love to.
يبدو ذلك رائعا.
هيا لنقم بذلك.
نعم لم لا.
هذه فكرة جيدة.
يالها من فكرة رائعة.
نعم, أريد ذلك.
Refusing suggestion
I am sorry I can’t, because....
That’s not a good idea.
I would love to, but....
I don’t feel like it.
آسف لا أستطيع، لأن..
هذه ليست فكرة جيدة.
أريد ذلك, لكن....
لا أرغب بذلك.
Exercise 1
Complete the following dialogues
How about going to the cinema ?
You : ( accept the suggestion) ______________
Shal we go out for a walk ?
You : ( refuse the suggestion/ give a reason) ____
Your friend feel bored this morning.
You : ( suggest something ) ___________________
Would you love to come to my birthday ?
You : ( accept the suggestion) _______________________
Why don’t we play video games after we finish our homework.
You : ( accept the suggestion) _______________________
What about watching a movie ?
You : ( refuse the suggestion/ give a reason) _________
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the words bellow.
May I ask you / Why don’t we getting a bus ? / let’s ask someone/ great idea
Ahmed : What’s the matter, Sara ?
Sara : I think we are lost, I can’t find the museum on the map.
Ahmed : I don’t know what to do ?
Sara : _____________
Ahmed : we can’t do that. we don’t know which bus to get ?
Sara : Don’t worry,___________
Ahmed :___________________
Sara :___________,please ?
Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with the words bellow.
About / don’t / let’s / like / shall
Khalid : what _________ we do now ?
Yassine : why _________we go to the beach ?
Khalid : it’s too hot.
Yassine : what _________watching a film?
Khalid : I don’t feel _________ it.
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