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Making suggestion, Accepting and Refusing

Making suggestion, Accepting and Refusing

Making suggestion, Accepting and Refusing

الهدف من هذا الدرس هو كيف تقوم بإقتراح شيئ أو فكرة على شخص ما, وينقسم الدرس لثلاتة محاور أساسية وهي كالتالي : 
تقديم إقتراح   Making suggestion
قبول الإقتراح   Accepting suggestion
رفض الإقتراح   Refusing suggestion

Making suggestion

Shall we....?
Why don’t we..........?
I suggest...( verb + ing  )
What about.....( verb + ing ).
How about.... ( verb + ing ).

 لم لا....؟
 ماذا عن.....؟
ماذا عن.....؟

 Accepting suggestion

That sounds amazing.
Let’s do that.
Yes, wyh not.
That’s a good idea
What a great idea
Yes, I would love to.

يبدو ذلك رائعا.
 هيا لنقم بذلك.
نعم لم لا. 
 هذه فكرة جيدة. 
يالها من فكرة رائعة.
نعم, أريد ذلك.

Refusing suggestion

I am sorry I can’t, because....
That’s not a good idea.
I would love to, but....
I don’t feel like it.

آسف لا أستطيع، لأن..
 هذه ليست فكرة جيدة.
أريد ذلك, لكن....
لا أرغب بذلك.

 Exercise 1

Complete the following dialogues

How about going to the cinema ?
You : ( accept the suggestion) ______________
Shal we go out for a walk ?
You : ( refuse the suggestion/ give a reason) ____
Your friend feel bored this morning.
You : ( suggest something ) ___________________
Would you love to come to my birthday ?
You : ( accept the suggestion) _______________________
Why don’t we play video games after we finish our homework.
You : ( accept the suggestion) _______________________
What about watching a movie ?
You : ( refuse the suggestion/ give a reason) _________

Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with the words bellow.

   May I ask you / Why don’t we getting a bus ? / let’s ask someone/ great idea

Ahmed : What’s the matter, Sara ?
Sara : I think we are lost, I can’t find the museum on the map.
Ahmed :  I don’t know what to do ?
Sara : _____________
Ahmed : we can’t do that. we don’t know which bus to get ?
Sara : Don’t worry,___________
Ahmed :___________________
Sara :___________,please ?

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the words bellow.

About / don’t  / let’s / like / shall

Khalid : what _________ we do now ?
Yassine : why _________we go to the beach ?
Khalid : it’s too hot.
Yassine : what _________watching a film?
Khalid : I don’t feel _________ it.

ملخص الدرس [ قم بتحميل الصور على هاتفك ]how to make suggestion in English


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